¡El ajedrez es un juego interesante, apasionante y fascinante! ¿Deseas aprender a jugar al ajedrez pero tienes la sospecha de que es un juego muy complicado?
Esta guía aclara con lujo de detalles los misterios del juego, ayuda a elegir la jugada...
Introduction 1
Part One
Chapter One: The Brotherhood of the Blood-Lickers 7
Chapter 'IWo: Grand Masters and Grand Schemes 23
Chapter Three: Ploys and Power Plays 33
Chapter Four: The Evolution of the Assassins: From
Freebooters and...
They had him on the spot, this clean, big boy who knew his day in the ring had passed and wanted to hang up his gloves. But Big John had one friend who wouldn’t hesitate to match a rotten deal with equally shady trickery to right a...