FBI Special Agent Mackenzie Hoff knows the terrorist mastermind that killed dozens in movie theater bombings. Mackenzie even knows where he fled from America after the attack. And that’s the problem.
Steam Pointe — called Pointe Island on the maps — is an island nation that has rejected modernity. Founded after the Civil War, and with a chip on its shoulder with America because of it, Steam Pointe evolved into a land of technological apartheid, taking 19th century-style industrial technology to a Jules Verne opium dream extreme. And it is to this place — beyond the reach of American law and technological surveillance — that Mackenzie’s suspect has fled.
Sent to Steam Pointe in pursuit of the bomber, Mackenzie is partnered with Sensitive Inquiries Office investigator Hiram Speer. Speer is refined, arrogant, and fascistic, perfectly exemplifying the society he fights fanatically to protect. But even as they chase jihadists through Steam Pointe’s Tesla-lit cities and zeppelin-blotted skies, Speer and Mackenzie find their cultures in conflict: archaic versus cutting-edge, manly versus feminized, confident versus declining.
With both their nations and worldviews in opposition, will they be able to stop the threats to their countries in time?
The Zeppelin Jihad is the first book in the ongoing Steam Pointe series of steampunk action/adventure thrillers.
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