On a distant planet called Nova Prime, the United Ranger Corps defends the galaxy’s remaining humans from an alien race known as the Skrel and their genetically engineered predators, the Ursa. But one ordinary man may have just found the key to...
Long ago, when they were all a lot younger, Zenia stole a man from each of them. Then she died. Now she’s come back. Or has she? There’s a lot more than one kind of ghost.
Margaret Atwood revisits her classic characters from The Robber...
If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love won the 2013 Nebula Award for Best Short Story, and was nominated for the 2014 Hugo Award for Best Short Story.
As a paleontologist lies in a coma, his fiancée tells him how things would be different if...
Inhumanity is a short novel that explores the darkest sides of love, revenge, and life but I must warn you that this book will cause your mind to enter the darkest parts of yourself and humankind.
The dictionary describes inhumanity as the...
Tale of strange and exotic love.
From out where the pale emotions of civilization are lashed into fury by primitive passions, come this tale of weird abandon and exotic love.
This fascinating story of unconventional love by John MacDonald...