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Paradise Found
Малые литературные формы прозы, Современная русская и зарубежная проза

Paradise Found

Язык: русский
Год: 2016

«С утра пошел постригаться. Пока шел, наступил вечер. Так было неохота. Но Красный сказал, что на медкомиссии стрижку заценят. Военные...
Pet Rocks
Космическая фантастика, Малые литературные формы прозы

Pet Rocks

Автор: Хауи Хью
Серия: Beacon 23 #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
полная версия

It’s been a week since the cargo ship was lost on my watch. A week with very little sleep and not much appetite. Now the bio scanner is picking up some sign of life out there in the wreckage, and it’s my duty to go see what it is. Maybe I’m...
Peter Rabbit: Tank Killer
Малые литературные формы прозы, Юмористическая проза

Peter Rabbit: Tank Killer

Язык: английский
Год: 2005
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Here is a tale of a boy rabbit that goes against his mother’s wishes, and goes to kill Panzer tanks. It’s a story of love, and hate, and death and destruction. Peter Rabbit Tank Killer. You should read it now. The greatest fake book ever. ...
Porn & Revolution in the Peaceable Kingdom
Другая фантастика, Малые литературные формы прозы

Porn & Revolution in the Peaceable Kingdom

Язык: английский
Год: 2013
полная версия

In a possible far future animals have taken over and democratized the world where humans once ruled. Tim, a lonely slime mold, is worried about his human pet Mimi and her recent animal urges. He only wants her to be happy, but he doesn’t know how...