A high octane, darkly hilarious tale of one man’s journey to live a life after the global pandemic. Equal parts madness and hilarity, this gripping tale follows a broken mop wielding protagonist who runs into a slew of unusual, fascinating, and...
This is the story not of a hero but of a heel. As such, it’s a bit out of line for an Adventure yarn, where the main character usually turns out to be a pretty good joe, at least in the end. Maybe we should label it an off-the-trail story, a...
It’s been a week since the cargo ship was lost on my watch. A week with very little sleep and not much appetite. Now the bio scanner is picking up some sign of life out there in the wreckage, and it’s my duty to go see what it is. Maybe I’m...
Here is a tale of a boy rabbit that goes against his mother’s wishes, and goes to kill Panzer tanks. It’s a story of love, and hate, and death and destruction. Peter Rabbit Tank Killer. You should read it now.
The greatest fake book ever.
Oto zbiór felietonów, powstałych między październikiem a grudniem roku 1929. Przeobrażenie
pewnych pojęć, uświadomienie sobie pewnych zagadnień, przezwyciężenie pewnych
wstydliwości, posunęło się przez ten czas wśród ogółu tak...
Knygą „Pirkiniai išsimokėtinai“ sudaro trylika tarpusavy susijusių apsakymų, kuriuose santūriu humoru ir švelnia ironija vaizduojamas lietuvių emigrantų šeimos gyvenimas Kanadoje. Pagrindinė pasakojimo intriga – karštai...