Benjamin 2073

Benjamin 2073
Малые литературные формы прозы, Научная фантастика
Автор: Davidson Rjurik
Серия: A Original
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
Издатель: Tor Books
ISBN: 978-1-2507-744-0
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 24 Июн 20
Проверил: Admin 24 Июн 20
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A Original, Benjamin 2073 is a near future sci-fi story from award-winning author Rjurik Davidson
In the year 2073, humanity is making progress toward restoring the environment and fixing the mistakes of the past.
Ellie has spent the last ten years going even further by working to resurrect the thylacine, extinct since 1936. But with no results and increasingly impatient bureaucrats threatening to pull their funding, the thylacine’s future—and Ellie’s—is in danger of reaching the point of no return.
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