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And Thereby Hangs a Tale
Малые литературные формы прозы, Современная русская и зарубежная проза

And Thereby Hangs a Tale

Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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Jamwal and Nisha fall in love while waiting for a traffic light to turn green in Delhi... thus begins one of the 15 short stories Jeffrey Archer has gathered from around the globe during the past five years in this, his sixth collection, of...
A Twist in the Tale
Малые литературные формы прозы, Современная русская и зарубежная проза

A Twist in the Tale

Язык: английский
Год: 1988
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A man decides to visit his mistress. But on arrival, he sees her embracing another man. He waits for the interloper to leave, then goes in, starts an argument with the woman, strikes her and it results in her death. Having left the flat without...
The Baby in the Icebox and Other Short Fiction
Другие детективы, Малые литературные формы прозы

The Baby in the Icebox and Other Short Fiction

Язык: английский
Год: 1981
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Best remembered for his sensational bestselling novels of the 1930s, James M. Cain may well be one of the most important, yet still misunderstood, of American authors. Among other writers and for certain critics, his reputation and singularity are...
The Iron Tactician
Космическая фантастика, Малые литературные формы прозы

The Iron Tactician

Серия: Мерлин #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
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A brand new stand-alone deep space adventure from Alastair Reynolds, featuring the author’s long-running character Merlin, who has previously appeared in “Merlin’s Gun” (1999), “Hideaway” (2000) and “Minla’s Flowers” (2007). ...