"As demonstrated throughout his previous novels, readers should crown Moody king of the zombie horror novel, and his final book in the Autumn series adds a much-deserved jewel to his crown. Certainly, this is action-packed, with corpses attacking on every other page, but the novel truly succeeds when Moody slows down the action and looks at human nature in the face of utter inhalation. Two years since the infection ravaged the entire world, wiping out 99 percent of the population, the new novel follows two groups of survivors, who fight hunger, fear, and, at times, boredom. The heartbreaking reality of their situation is magnified, however, when the first baby is conceived, leaving readers to wonder whether heartache or hope lives within the future of its small life."—Booklist
"Moody is as imaginative as Barker, as compulsory as King and as addictive as Palahniuk"—SCREAMMagazine
Praise for AUTUMN:
“The best survival horror since Richard Matheson’s I am Legend.” —Wayne Simmons, Author of FLU and DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
"If you only read one book this year, read AUTUMN." —Suspense Magazine (2010 Best Book List)
"By the end of the book, you will be waiting impatiently for the next installment." —Dread Central
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