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Bad Monkeys

Bad Monkeys

Автор: Ruff Matt
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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Jane Charlotte has been arrested for murder.She tells police that she is a member of a secret organization devoted to fighting evil; her division is called the Department for the Final Disposition of Irredeemable Persons—"Bad Monkeys" for...
Gulf Coast Girl aka Scorpion Reef

Gulf Coast Girl aka Scorpion Reef

Язык: английский
Год: 1955
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Off the coast of Yucatan stretches a great coral barrier known as Scorpion Reef. And somewhere along the reef, under 60 feet of water, lies a fabulous treasure in diamonds. It's just waiting for someone who can take it--and return. Beautiful...
Смерть Сесили

Смерть Сесили

Язык: русский
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Комиссар Мегрэ за долгие годы службы привык выслушивать странные просьбы о помощи. Но в этот раз даже он был немного шокирован...
The Oracle Code

The Oracle Code

Серия: Thomas Lourds #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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It was the most renowned and respected shrine in the Roman Empire, the object of veneration by Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Octavian, and a host of other luminaries. It stood for centuries within a sacred precinct the size of a large town at the heart...
Hot Ice

Hot Ice

Серия: Jason Peters #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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One man stands between the United States and a conspiracy that threatens Western civilization. Though not on the government payroll, Jason Peters kills for Uncle Sam. NARCOM is a private corporation that does what the CIA doesn’t have...