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Blood Harvest

Blood Harvest

Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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but welcome. Someone seems to be trying to drive them away-at first with silly pranks but then with threats that become increasingly dangerous, especially to the oldest child, ten-year-old Tom Fletcher, who begins to believe that someone is...
Seawolf Class

Seawolf Class

Серия: The Silent Service #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2002
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In the ocean depths, America's warriors ceaselessly patrol the dark territory on freedom's outer edge. These are the battles fought in silence… and in secret. The newest fight begins when the People's Republic of China buys a fleet of highly...
No Mercy
Современная русская и зарубежная проза, Триллер

No Mercy

Серия: Jonathan Grave #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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No names. No Feds. No trace evidence. That's how Jonathan Grave operates. As a freelance specialist in covert rescues, he has to work outside the law to get things done – especially in highly sensitive hostage situations. But when an Indiana...
Триллер, Ужасы


Статус: Закончена, но выложен фрагмент
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Das Grauen kehrt nach Derry, Maine, zurück. Acht Jahre nach den in "Es" geschilderten Ereignissen, geschehen dort wieder seltsame Dinge. Ralph Roberts leidet zunehmend an Schlaflosigkeit und sieht plötzlich die Köpfe seiner Mitmenschen von einer...
The First Casualty

The First Casualty

Серия: Jason Peters #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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**Armed with a powerful laser, a terrorist group threatens the US — and one government agent must race to recover the weapon before it’s too late** Air France Flight 447 is high above the Atlantic, making its way through a patch of...
La Historiadora

La Historiadora

Язык: испанский
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Durante años, Paul fue incapaz de contarle a su hija la verdad sobre la obsesión que ha guiado su vida. Ahora, entre papeles, ella descubre una historia que comenzó con la extraña desaparición del mentor de Paul, el profesor...
El psicoanalista

El psicoanalista

Автор: Katzenbach John
Язык: испанский
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Feliz 53 cumpleaños, doctor. Bienvenido al primer día de su muerte. Pertenezco a algún momento de su pasado. Usted arruinó mi vida. Quizá no sepa cómo por qué o cuándo, pero lo hizo. Llenó todos mis instantes de desastre y tristeza....