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A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark

Автор: Stewart K. A.
Серия: jesse james dawson #2
Язык: английский
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Jesse James Dawson is a Champion, putting his life on the line for those foolish enough to bargain with demons and fighting to save their souls. But even a Champion needs some downtime, so Jesse takes his annual camping trip to Colorado for some...
Триллер, Ужасы


Автор: Volk Stephen
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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1971. A middle-aged man, wracked with grief, walks along the beach at Whitstable in Kent… A boy approaches him and, taking him for the famous vampire-hunter Doctor Van Helsing from the Hammer movies, asks for his help. Because he believes his...
Страна чудес [Wonderland] [litres]
Другие детективы, Триллер

Страна чудес [Wonderland] [litres]

Язык: русский
Год: 2021

После многих лет жизни в Нью-Йорке Орла и Шоу Беннет с двумя детьми переезжают в старый фермерский дом в горной местности. Мечтавшие об...
Триллер, Шпионские детективы


Автор: Deighton Len
Серия: Bernard Samson #8
Язык: английский
Год: 1996
Статус: Закончена

Master spy Bernard Samson is back and in top form once again in bestselling author Len Deighton's new thriller trilogy.As the Berlin Wall Begins to crumble, Bernard Samson is caught up in an ever - changing situation and the devious squabbles...
Триллер, Ужасы


Серия: Danilov Quintet #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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Zmyeevich had remained standing and now began to speak in very precise, but very formal and strangely accented French. His voice had a darkness to it that seemed to emit not from his throat but from deep in his torso. Somewhere inside him it was...