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The Match

The Match

Серия: Wilde #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2022
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After months away, Wilde has returned to the Ramapo Mountains in the wake of a failed bid at domesticity that confirms what he’s known all along: He belongs on his own, free from the comforts and constraints of modern life. Suddenly, a DNA...


Язык: русский

Марсия, жена Кресснера, деспотичного и холодного торговца наркотиками, сбежала со своим тренером по теннису, Стэном. Кресснер...
На грани ночи

На грани ночи

Язык: русский
Год: 1988
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Последний шанс перед взрывом бомб! Пропали пять ядерных бомб… Пять крупных городов США превратятся в ядерные грибы, если не будет...


Автор: McClure Ken
Серия: Steve Dunbar #3
Язык: английский
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A traveler dies a horrifying death on a flight from Africa to London. The Ebola virus is suspected, but Steven Dunbar of the Sci-Med Directorate discovers the more frightening truth, and must act quickly before the outbreak achieves its sinister...
Blood of the Lamb

Blood of the Lamb

Автор: Lister Michael
Серия: John Jordan #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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Florida prison chaplain John Jordan's search for the peace that has so long eluded him is interrupted by an unimaginable murder. Attempting to be a good man in a very bad place while also maintaining his shaky sobriety, John investigates the...
Apartment 6

Apartment 6

Автор: James Stuart
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
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Would you have the courage to escape? Be careful what you wish for… When Meagan was five years old her mother was viciously attacked and murdered. Now an adult, she herself is the victim of an abusive relationship. Meagan...