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Ни слова больше! [litres][Nothing More to Tell]
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Ни слова больше! [litres][Nothing More to Tell]

Язык: русский
Год: 2023

Четыре года назад трое учеников престижной школы Сент-Амброуз обнаружили в лесу тело жестоко убитого учителя мистера Ларкина. Полиции...


Серия: Alex Delaware #13
Язык: английский
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Two murder victims have been discovered in the boots of their cars. The first was would-be actor, Richard Dada; the second Dr Claire Argent, a psychiatrist at a maximum security hospital. Milo Sturgis tends to think there will be plenty of...
Hot Seat

Hot Seat

Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Things are looking good for Aidy Westlake following events from Did Not Finish. He's Pit Lane magazine's Young Driver of the Year, which has earned him a drive in the European Saloon Car Championship. But his good fortune ends at a race car show...
Lie Still

Lie Still

Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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A New Town Clairmont, Texas is home to some of the South's most wealthy and established families. When Emily Page and her husband Mike move there from New York City, so Mike can become the new sheriff, they believe that it's a place where they can...
The Camelot Code

The Camelot Code

Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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What if King Arthur was more than a myth? On a starlit summer's night in the Welsh mountains, an old man is torn from sleep as an ancient prophecy unfolds. On the other side of the Atlantic, an American antiques dealer lies dying on the...