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Trial By Fury

Trial By Fury

Автор: Jance J A
Язык: английский
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In the wake of a high school coach's shocking murder, homicide detective J. P. Beaumont begins to suspect that the victim's widow, who is about to give birth, is hiding a dangerous...
The Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot

Язык: английский
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In Schlink's unremarkable stand-alone thriller, the fortunes of Georg Polger, a German living in France who's struggling to make ends meet as a translator, change after he receives an offer of steady employment translating technical manuals. The...
The God Particle

The God Particle

Автор: Danser Daniel
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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CERN’s Hadron Collider is the world’s most powerful machine; its sole purpose is to prove the existence of the mysterious God Particles — the essential building blocks of the universe. But after a series of global catastrophes, suspicion...


Автор: Mockler Simon
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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A research lab on the outskirts of Cambridge, England is under attack. The target? A synthetic biological weapon that's been harvested inside the bodies of ten clinical trial patients. One of those patients, Jack Hartman, runs for his life as the...
Правда и другая ложь

Правда и другая ложь

Язык: русский
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Казалось бы, жизнь Генри Хайдена вполне удалась: он — знаменитый писатель, у него полно денег, прекрасный дом и верная, любящая жена. Но...
Tsunami Storm

Tsunami Storm

Автор: Capps David F.
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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The US has launched secret weapons of mass destruction on other countries. And awaits what might be cataclysmic retaliation… China is devastated by an 8.0M earthquake that leaves 70,000 people dead with hundreds of thousands injured and untold...
Натюрморт с револьвером и человеческим черепом

Натюрморт с револьвером и человеческим черепом

Язык: русский
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Викторианская Англия. Лондон накануне открытия всемирной промышленной выставки. Доктор-антрополог везет из Эдинбурга свою знаменитую...


Язык: английский
Год: 2021
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Perhaps everyone’s childhood memories are the same: part truth, part fantasy. But this house turned our imagination into a melting pot, a forge. A cauldron. I can trust nothing that came out of it. No. 36 Westeryk Road, an imposing...