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When the Sacred Ginmill Closes

When the Sacred Ginmill Closes

Автор: Block Lawrence
Язык: английский
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These were the dark days for Matthew Scudder. An ex- New York cop, he had drowned his career in booze. Now he was drinking away his life in a succession of seedy establishments that opened early and closed late, reduced to doing paid "favors" for...


Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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After helping Chip and Alex survive 15th century London, Jonah and Katherine are summoned to help another missing child, Andrea, face her fate. Andrea is really Virginia Dare, from the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Jonah and Katherine are confident in...
El Asesinato Como Diversión

El Asesinato Como Diversión

Язык: испанский
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El lirismo fantástico de Fredric Brown brilla en esta novela desde la plataforma de un juego enigmático en el que se debate la posibilidad individual de escapar a esclavitudes promocionadas por el sistema social y su decadente código...
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Боевики, Триллер

Дело на пол-Европы

Язык: русский
Год: 2020

К бывшему сотруднику ГРУ, а ныне бизнесмену Максиму Королеву обратился его старый друг с предложением поработать в организации,...
Shadow Prey

Shadow Prey

Автор: Sandford John
Язык: английский
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Alle Kurger was a nun, but she was also a psychologist, and when it became clear that the murders were the work of more than one man, Lucas Davenport went to her for...