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Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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After helping Chip and Alex survive 15th century London, Jonah and Katherine are summoned to help another missing child, Andrea, face her fate. Andrea is really Virginia Dare, from the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Jonah and Katherine are confident in...
Дело на пол-Европы
Боевики, Триллер

Дело на пол-Европы

Язык: русский
Год: 2020

К бывшему сотруднику ГРУ, а ныне бизнесмену Максиму Королеву обратился его старый друг с предложением поработать в организации,...
Shadow Prey

Shadow Prey

Автор: Sandford John
Язык: английский
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Alle Kurger was a nun, but she was also a psychologist, and when it became clear that the murders were the work of more than one man, Lucas Davenport went to her for...
The Red Collusion

The Red Collusion

Автор: Yaron David
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
полная версия

A crazed battle between Moscow and Washington leads to the verge of WWIII. It’s 1981, and the Cold War is at its peak. The leader of the Soviet Union, General Secretary Yermolov, instructs Defense Minister Marshal Budarenko to go on a limited...
Dark Justice

Dark Justice

Автор: Higgins Jack
Язык: английский

It is night in Manhattan. The President of the United States is scheduled to have dinner with an old friend, but in the building across the street, a man has disabled the security and stands at a window, a rifle in his hand.Fortunately, he...


Автор: Барк Жан
Язык: английский
полная версия

A drug kingpin on the FBI's Most Wanted list is found hanging upside down over a bathtub, his corpse drained of blood. The killing looks like an organized-crime payback hit-until another Ten Most Wanted criminal is found similarly strung up, and...