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The Blood Artists

The Blood Artists

Автор: Хоган Чак
Язык: английский
Год: 1998
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The story begins with an urgent phone call from the remote rain forests of the Congo. Drs. Stephen Pearse and Peter Maryk are summoned to a mining camp where a deadly virus has killed everyone within its reach. Desperate to stop it, they bomb the...
The Trojan Sea

The Trojan Sea

Автор: Herman Richard
Язык: английский
Год: 2001
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There is a new order to the world. The first female President of the United States sits in the White House. Monster corporations wield the real global power And all the old rules have been changed. A military functionary toiling in...
Trzecia Ofiara

Trzecia Ofiara

Язык: польский
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Strzelanina w szkole podstawowej w spokojnym miasteczku w Oregonie. Są zabici i ranni. Mieszkańcy żądają najwyższej kary dla oskarżonego. Rainie Conner, policjantka prowadząca śledztwo, podejrzewa jednak,...