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Язык: французский
Год: 2012
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Lucie Henebelle et Franck Sharko, policiers dans la fameuse section criminelle du 36, Quai des Orfèvres, tentent de se remettre d'un drame qui a failli les séparer. Ils essaient de faire un enfant, en vain. Et à quelques jours de...
Attack of the Seawolf

Attack of the Seawolf

Серия: Michael Pacino #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1994
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One of our subs was missing The nightmare fear of the U.S. had come true. One of our finest submarines, the U.S.S. Tampa, on a top-secret spying mission, had fallen into Chinese Communist hands. The Communists, fighting for survival in a savage...
Attack on the Queen

Attack on the Queen

Язык: английский
Год: 1998
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It is the dawn of a new era of peace and global cooperation. For the first time ever, the leader of the People's Republic of China has agreed to join the President of the United States and the heads of the most powerful nations on Earth at the...
Audrey Rose
Триллер, Ужасы

Audrey Rose

Серия: Audrey Rose #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1975
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When Elliot Hoover loses his wife and daughter, Audrey Rose, in a fiery car crash, his world explodes. To heal his mental anguish and claim some peace, he visits a psychic who reveals to him that his daughter has been reincarnated into Ivy...
Aurora boreal

Aurora boreal

Язык: испанский
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Aurora boreal fue galardonada con el Premio a la Mejor Primera Novela Negra por la Asociación Sueca de Escritores de Novela Negra, y Det blod spillts, la segunda entrega de la serie, con el Premio a la Mejor Novela Negra Sueca. El cuerpo de...
Постапокалипсис, Триллер


Серия: Autumn #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2005
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In less than twenty-four hours a vicious and virulent disease destroys almost all of the population. Billions are killed. Thousands die every second. There are no symptoms and no warnings. Within moments of infection each victim suffers a violent...
Ave del paraíso

Ave del paraíso

Язык: испанский
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Situada en la mítica ciudad de Sparta, en Nueva York, Ave del paraíso es una punzante y vívida combinación de romance erótico y violencia trágica en la Norteamérica de finales del siglo XX. Cuando Zoe Kruller, una...