
Автор: Mockler Simon
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Издатель: Diversion Books
ISBN: 9781938120718
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 25 Окт 15
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A research lab on the outskirts of Cambridge, England is under attack. The target? A synthetic biological weapon that's been harvested inside the bodies of ten clinical trial patients. One of those patients, Jack Hartman, runs for his life as the others are brutally butchered and left for dead. Inside of him is the one remaining device, a cell-based supercomputer that could kill him, or might just save his life.
Flung into a world of international arms dealing, high-tech security companies, and government corruption, Jack begins an epic battle for survival that takes him from the war-torn jungles of the Congo to the backstreets of Paris. On his trail is a rogue MI6 officer intent on silencing him for good, and his estranged father, a troubled former SAS officer once known as the Reaper.

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