A TV and film executive, Staeger displays a real knack for creating cinematic scenes in his engaging first thriller. Cooper, a burnt-out former CIA operative living in a cheap bungalow on the British Virgin Island of Tortola, isn't too happy when...
After a slow start, Staeger's solid second novel to feature semiretired CIA agent W. Cooper (after 2005's Painkiller) turns into a riveting and timely story revolving around a biological weapons threat. While Cooper explores a botched smuggling...
In the wake of his wife's murder, agent Grady Shields turned his back on the FBI – and everything else – to retreat into the vast solitude of Montana, grieve for his lost love, and forget the world. But after years in seclusion, his sister's...
Elgin Collier, AKA Gillian Shelby, is the world's most popular women's erotica author. She has wealth, success and now apparently a stalker who may already have committed murder. Sheila Forbes, Elgin 's publisher and best friend hires Campbell...
Kelsey Moore has lived on Fear Street all her life, and she's not afraid of anything – until she meets Madame Valda, a strange old woman who says she can see into the future. She tells Kelsey that only fools are fearless, but Kelsey only...
It's late at night when Florida sheriff's deputy Sara Cross arrives at the scene of a roadside shooting along a deserted highway. Another deputy, Billy Flynn, her former partner, who also happens to be her former lover, has fatally shot a...
Ray and his best friend, Manny, close ever since they met in juvie almost twenty years ago, have a great scam going: With a couple of fake badges and some DEA windbreakers they found at a secondhand store, they pose as federal agents and rip off...
An anthology of storiesSherlock Holmes is back!Sherlock Holmes, the world’s first-and most famous-consulting detective, came to the world’s attention more than 120 years ago through Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels and stories. But...
National Book Award for FictionIn a small Pennsylvania town in the late 1940s, schoolteacher George Caldwell yearns to find some meaning in his life. Alone with his teenage son for three days in a blizzard, Caldwell sees his son grow and...
A stunning new bestseller from Britain's most exciting crime writer What happens to a village when most of the houses are sold off as second homes, leaving only a handful of full time residents…? Squatters move in… What happens to a family when...