Excalibur: sword of kings. Slayer of armies. Blade of destiny.
Legend holds that whoever wields this mighty, ancient weapon is invincible, able to vanquish all enemies and rule entire lands. But more than a thousand years after the mythical kingdom of Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, tales of Excalibur and its exploits have long been considered only that: legend.
That is, until an astonishing archaeological find in France convinces former secret agent Sean Wyatt and his sidekick, Tommy Schultz, that even this unlikeliest of myths is rooted in a truth that now threatens the modern world.
Racing against time and a North Korean madman bent on finding, and brandishing, this ancient blade of unstoppable power, Wyatt and Schultz must also outwit an underground brotherhood sworn to keep the secrets of this sacred sword for eternity.
In yet another heart-pounding tale with more twists than the ancient legend itself, beloved author Ernest Dempsey’s The Excalibur Key is a thrill ride like no other — and will keep you guessing until the very end.
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