The Natanz Directive

The Natanz Directive
Серия: Jake Conlan #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Издатель: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 9781250013477
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 31 Дек 15
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A former operative in the CIA's most clandestine division is pulled back in to help prevent Armageddon in the Middle East

An unexpected phone call from the Pentagon propels “superpatriot” Jake Conlan back into the deadly world of international espionage and “black ops” he thought he had left behind him.
Jake is asked to mount an emergency, highly dangerous mission inside Iran. His mission: to develop intel that can indisputably prove that Iran has nuclear-launch capabilities and bring down the current Iranian regime.
Traveling from Paris to Amsterdam and then undercover into Iran itself, Jake connects with the Iranian covert opposition only to discover there is a traitor on his team. With a ticking clock counting down, Jake has to risk his mission, and his life, to uncover the traitor, and stop an imminent attack on Israel, for it will be full-scale world war if he fails.

Fans of Alistair Maclean, Adam Hall, and Brad Thor will find themselves held hostage by The Natanz Directive, an action-packed thriller from former CIA agent Wayne Simmons and coauthor Mark Graham.

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