A TV and film executive, Staeger displays a real knack for creating cinematic scenes in his engaging first thriller. Cooper, a burnt-out former CIA operative living in a cheap bungalow on the British Virgin Island of Tortola, isn't too happy when...
The Battle For Control Of Iran…
Begins In Space
"When a disgraced former Iranian military chief of staff engineers an insurgency that threatens to destroy the theocratic regime in Iran, a new era appears to be dawning in the Middle East....
From the author of "Laguna Heat" and "Summer of Fear" comes an intense, masterful novel of murder and revenge on California's Gold Coast--a page-turning thriller with a deep emotional undercurrent about love, loss, and the need to make things...
Ex-Navy Seal Nolan Kilkenny finds himself on his dangerous mission yet, one which will take him from the Vatican to the arid steppes of China…
Ex-Navy Seal Nolan Kilkenny is called to Rome on the pretence of examining the Vatican library. But...