Na przyjęciu u profesora Oksfordu spotyka się trzech studentów – Żyd, Palestyńczyk i Rosjanin. Ich kolejne spotkanie ma miejsce 20 lat później. Są agentami zwalczających się tajnych służb – Mossadu, KGB i...
From New York Times bestselling authors Raymond Khoury and Steve Berry comes a unique and wildly original short story, published exclusively as a Kindle ebook.
It’s been ten years since FBI agent Sean Reilly and retired Justice Department...
The fight for victory in the Pacific continues, this time at Leyte in the Philippines. Deacon Cole and the rest of Patrol Easy are sent as an advance unit to help crack the formidable Japanese defenses before the American invasion. To make the...
What if Huey Long had been President in 1939? No Marshall Aid to Britain, no American involvement in the war ravaging Europe. Another chillingly credible ‘what-if’ thriller from the master of the genre.
For years UN peacekeepers have...