Short story. A Death tells the story of Jim Trusdale, not the sharpest tool in the shed, who is accused of killing 10-year-old Rebecca Cline on her birthday and stealing her silver dollar. The story is set in 1889 in the Dakotas, before it became...
The remote town in the Welsh valleys was a wonderful, magical - but sometimes dangerous - place in which to to grow up. It was there that Iffy, Bessie, Fatty and Billy experienced a plague of frogs one summer, stumbled upon a garden full of...
Poke Rafferty was writing offbeat travel guides for the young and terminally bored when Bangkok stole his heart. Now the American expat is assembling a new family with Rose, the former go-go dancer he wants to marry, and Miaow, the tiny,...
Someone wants revenge, and the target is the President's plane. When the mission looks impossible, the world calls upon UNACO. The world's most ingenious international criminal is bent on revenge! And six of the most important men in the world...
Jukka Peltonen wird im flachen Uferwasser eines Sees ermordet aufgefunden. Maria Kallio befindet sich in einer schwierigen Situation, als ihr die Ermittlungen in diesem Mordfall übertragen werden: Sie kennt den jungen Mann aus Studienzeiten...
So tragisch der Fall auch ist — die junge Anwältin Judy Carrier wittert ihre grosse Chance. Schliesslich ist es mehr als befremdlich, dass ihr neuer Klient, der betagte Taubenzüchter Tony Lucia, freimütig den Mord an Angelo Coluzzi...