The nail-biting tale of sabotage set in the desolate frozen wastes of two ice-bound oil fields, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense. SABOTAGE!
Two of the most important oil-fields in the world — one in Canada, the...
Eine junge Frau wird ermordet, ihr Freund ist tatverdächtig. Die Familie des Opfers bittet Maria, ihn als Anwältin zu vertreten. Im Lauf der Ermittlungen wird Maria selbst zum Opfer von Drohungen und Sabotageakten. Bald merkt sie, dass die...
Up to his seventeenth year no one regarded Ronald as anything but a rather large, overfed youth, probably best ignored. Perhaps that was the trouble--no one really took a good look at Ronald. Except for his devoted mother, who saw only the son...
The man who calls himself David Loogan is leading a quiet, anonymous life in the college town of Ann Arbor, Michigan. He's hoping to escape a violent past he would rather forget. But his solitude is broken when he finds himself drawn into a...
Covert government operative Danielle Laidlaw leads an expedition into the deepest reaches of the Amazon in search of a legendary Mayan city. Assisted by a renowned university professor and protected by a mercenary named Hawker, her team journeys...
Kay Scarpetta, oberste Gerichtsmedizinerin von Virginia, erhält einen Brief aus dem Jenseits. Ein Toter im Hafen von Richmond lockt sie auf die Fährte eines perversen Serienkillers, und Interpol-Agent Jay Talley überredet sie zu einer...
Eine Serie unheimlicher, als Brandstiftungen getarnter Morde hält Dr. Kay Scarpetta, oberste Gerichtsmedizinerin von Virginia, in Atem. Auf der fieberhaften Jagd nach dem Täter gerät sie mehr und mehr in das Gravitationsfeld einer...
Bury Your Dead is a novel about life and death—and all the mystery that remains—from #1 New York Times bestselling author Louise Penny. Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is on break from duty in Three Pines to attend the famed Winter...