David Cronenberg—the celebrated Canadian film director, lauded by The New York Times for creating “some of the best, most challenging, most unusual English-language films of the last twenty years,” and named a chevalier of the Order of Arts...
Lauren Stillwell is not your average damsel in distress. When the NYPD cop discovers her husband leaving a hotel with another woman, she decides to beat him at his own game. But her revenge goes dangerously awry, and she finds her world spiraling...
Eliza Benedict cherishes her peaceful, ordinary suburban life. But her tranquility is shattered when she receives a letter from the last person she ever expects to hear from: Walter Bowman. There was your photo, in a magazine. I'd know you...
Innocence is a force more potent, sometimes, than evil. For it has no concept of its own power to destroy. The Noble Path is the story of two people who become its victims. Jack Elliot is a man without a soul. A discredited British Army officer, he...