An exciting contemporary hard-boiled thriller set in New York - Angel Tamanaka is a beautiful young prostitute working for an escort agency in Manhattan. Leonard Carter is ex Special Forces and has been living off the grid ever since he returned...
For the first time, a former CIA officer and a Russian dissident collaborate in an explosive tale of murder and intrigue that rips the mask off the true face of the Kremlin’s ruling class.
A Russian journalist is brutally murdered to protect a...
The Russians want Afghanistan.
But not its people.
And a soviet cannibal has found a weapon to annihilate the populace — a chemical called Devils Rain.
With intell supplied by a CIA spook, Mack Bolan leads a unit of the...
New York Times bestselling author Brian Haig returns with a riveting new thriller about a man caught between the politics of big government and the corruption of big business.
The Capitol Game
It was the deal of the decade, if not the century. A...