Grade 7-10-The intense, personal slave narrative of 14-year-old Forty-seven becomes allegorical when a mysterious runaway slave shows up at the Corinthian Plantation. Tall John, who believes there are no masters and no slaves, and who carries a...
In Every Pretty Thing serial killer hunter Darby McCormick finds herself in Montana, looking for a friend. Little does she realise that a murderer is waiting for her . . .
She came to find her friend.
Instead she found a killer.
Serial killer expert...
‘I’m a good person inside, but when I get drunk, I just don’t know. It’s just… when I get drunk, don’t mess the fuck with me…’ There have been few female serial killers but Aileen ‘Lee’ Wuornos was an incredible example of this...
The Bram Stoker Award-winning author of A Head Full of Ghosts adds an inventive twist to the home invasion horror story in a heart-palpitating novel of psychological suspense that recalls Stephen King’s Misery, Ruth Ware’s In a Dark, Dark Wood,...