Existing at the fringes of Washington, D.C., the Club consists of four eccentric members. Led by a mysterious man known as “Oliver Stone,” they study conspiracy theories, current events, and the machinations of government to discover the...
For fans of Spooks, Homeland, McMafia and The Night Manager, the latest thriller in Stella Rimington’s bestselling espionage series sees Liz Carlyle investigating a sinister Russian plot – tense, gripping and global in scope
A man lies...
It should have been a night to remember, but Maura Isles can't recall a thing.
Maura is at a party. A handsome man approaches. He's charming and sophisticated. She flirts and drinks champagne. And then nothing. Total blackness. Nothing, that is,...
From New York Times bestselling author James Rollins and award-winning suspense novelist Rebecca Cantrell comes a disturbing story of vengeance, bloodshed, and creatures that prowl the night.
In the haunted, war-torn highlands of Afghanistan,...
The New York Times bestselling author of The Forgotten Room and Deep Storm is back with a new thriller that follows the trail of a killer who cannot exist… featuring Jeremy Logan, the renowned investigator of the supernatural and fantastic.
It happens in one night: a girl who died now walks among the living, Zil and the Human Crew set fire to Perdido Beach, and amid the flames and smoke, Sam sees the figure of the boy he fears the most – Drake. But Sam and Caine defeated him along...
In 1993, Scott Smith wowed readers with A Simple Plan, his stunning debut thriller about what happens when three men find a wrecked plane and bag stuffed with over 4 million dollars-a book that Stephen King called "Simply the best suspense novel...
The attack didn't originate from the sea, or air, or land. It struck without warning, silently, quickly, decisively. The premeditated onslaught against the aircraft carrier, USS John Preston, left young sailors dead, dying, or rendered...
The Green Mile, Stephen King’s #1 New York Times bestselling novel, was first published twenty years ago in six original paperback installments. Inspiration for the Oscar-nominated film starring Tom Hanks about an innocent man on death row, The...
Gideon Crew-brilliant scientist, master thief-is living on borrowed time. When his mysterious employer, Eli Glinn, gives him an eyebrow-raising mission, he has no reason to refuse. Gideon's task: steal a page from the priceless Book of Kells, now...