Resources, money, miscommunication… these are the things that start wars. “Battlefield Ukraine” explores a potential war between NATO and Russia over the fate of separatist regions in east Ukraine. While President Petrov draws his line in the...
Fourteen-year-old Ben Tracy goes to Pakistan with his environmental-activist mother, who then travels across the border into Afghanistan, leaving Ben behind, where it’s safe. But Ben and his new friend, Aarya, are kidnapped and find themselves...
The electrifying new novel in the special warfare series!The frigate U.S.S. Roy Turner docked just off Mombasa Bay, Kenya on a goodwill call. But a surprise attack soon left 160 American sailors captured and 28 killed. Now Lieutenant Murdock and...
In Afghanistan, a British deserter and a fanatical Iranian special forces commander are both working for extremists who want to take over the Middle East. They've prepared a surprise for Brannigan's Brigands-one that the SEALs may not...
The Mayor?
"Yes", Smith said, "he's taken over the city. He has given an open invitation to organized crime to move its operations into Bay City. He's opening the piers so that contraband can move in and out easily, so drugs can flow...
The Mayor?
"Yes", Smith said, "he's taken over the city. He has given an open invitation to organized crime to move its operations into Bay City. He's opening the piers so that contraband can move in and out easily, so...
New York Times bestselling author Kimberla Lawson Roby returns with this delightful sequel to The Best of Everything, in which the infamous Reverend Curtis Black's beautiful daughter, Alicia, is all grown up – and headed for trouble of her...
Montauk lawyer Tom Dunleavy's client list is woefully small-occasional real estate closings barely keeps him in paper clips. When he is hired to defend a local man accused in a triple murder that has the East Hampton world in an uproar, he knows...
Montauk lawyer Tom Dunleavy's client list is woefully small-occasional real estate closings barely keeps him in paper clips. When he is hired to defend a local man accused in a triple murder that has the East Hampton world in an uproar, he knows...
A converted fishing trawler, Morning Rose carries a movie-making crew across the Barents Sea to isolated Bear Island, well above the Arctic Circle, for some on-location filming, but the script is a secret known only to the producer and...