After Sam Cleave's perilous experience on the North Sea oil rig, Deep Sea One, he endevours to take life a little slower and keep to his mundane journalism job at the local newspaper. However, an unforeseen turn of events urges Sam to accept a...
The lives of 80,000 people gathered for Superbowl Sunday in New Orleans are threatened by a diabolical group of international terrorists. Spellbinding, fast-paced suspense is guaranteed once again from the acclaimed author of Silence of the...
From the bestselling author of Apple Tree Yard, a masterful thriller about espionage, love, and redemption.
Harper wakes every night, terrified of the sounds outside his hut halfway up a mountain in Bali. He is afraid that his past as a...
Espionage takes to the twenty-first century playing fields, where rules are broken and remade outside the reach of governments and the law. Agents recruited for the clandestine organization known as Room 59 play hard, play for keeps…or die...
Clive Cussler's dazzling new Dirk Pitt(r) adventure. Nobody has been able to match Cussler yet for the intricate plotting and sheer audacity of his work, and *Black Wind* sets the bar even higher. In the waning days of World War II, the Japanese...
The deadliest weapon… is man
Top NATO representatives meet in Kiev to forge a new alliance… Powerful elements within a newly resurgent Russia decide the alliance must be stopped at all costs…
The warriors of Dreamland have moved on....
The deadliest weapon . . . is manTop NATO representatives meet in Kiev to forge a new alliance . . . Powerful elements within a newly resurgent Russia decide the alliance must be stopped at all costs . . .The warriors of Dreamland...
Seventeen-year-old Tessa, dubbed a 'Black-Eyed Susan' by the media, became famous for being the only victim to survive the vicious attack of a serial killer. Her testimony helped to put a dangerous criminal behind bars – or so she thought.
From Publishers WeeklyDenton 's third novel (after Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede) takes the overworked serial-killer concept and wrings from it a striking depiction of middle-American despair, betrayed innocence, and...