Special Agent Jason West is seconded from the FBI Art Crime Team to temporarily partner with disgraced, legendary “manhunter” Sam Kennedy when it appears Kennedy’s most famous case, the capture and conviction of a serial killer known as the...
One perfect shot will change the course of history. Christine Palmer, a young American doctor sailing solo across the Atlantic, makes an incredible discovery — a man narrowly clinging to his life in the frigid waters. But there is much more to...
Amazon.com Review:In the seventh of J.D. Robb's futuristic romance thrillers, NYPD Lieutenant Eve Dallas is on the trail of a serial killer terrorizing the city during the holidays. The only link between the victims-all are patrons of an...
L.A. Confidential is epic "noir", a crime novel of astonishing detail and scope written by the bestselling author of The Black Dahlia. A horrific mass murder invades the lives of victims and victimizers on both sides of the law. And three lawmen...
Desperate to get back into the war before it ends, Hog jockey Lieutenant William “BJ” Dixon volunteers to do something useful — act as a ground forward air controller, coordinating attack targets with the bomber pilots. Easy, right? Wrong, as...
In a case that will push their relationship to the breaking point, Mary Russell must help reverse the greatest failure of her legendary husband's storied past – a painful and personal defeat that still has the power to sting.this time...
Another mystery for exorcist Reverend Merrily Watkins. Dark shadows have gathered around a converted hopkiln where the last owner was brutally murdered, while a women claims her daughter is possessed by an evil spirit. Merrily untwines the history...
The New York Times-bestselling authors return with a heart-stopping new novel.O n the first day of Royal Ascot, the world's most famous horse race, the crowd rejoices in a string of winning favorites. Ned Talbot has worked all his life as...
Detective Chief Inspector Rose Piper’s life is in turmoil. At only thirty-five, her marriage has collapsed and she is unsure about her future with the Avon and Somerset...
The year is 1917.
After three years, the outcome of the Great War is poised on a knife-edge. One man believes he can make a difference. David Cochrane Smith, the captain of the armoured cruiser HMS Thunder, is patrolling off the coast of South...