When teenager Merrit Strait is admitted to hospital following an attempted suicide, psychologist Alan Gregory takes on the case. Meanwhile Merrit's sister lies in hospital near death where only experimental treatment might save her. When a body...
Mason is an enforcer, keeping magical practitioners on the straight and narrow. His 'dog' Louie, is a faithful familiar who's proven over and over that he's a practitioner's best friend. But this time, Louie's in the line of fire when...
Several patients die each day at St. Paul 's Hospital, a sprawling complex in Buffalo, N.Y., that takes on the most high-risk cases, including victims of the SARS virus. A few more deaths a week would hardly even be noticed. But hospital...
The book chronicles Brown’s career as a criminal profiler while also exploring the circumstances that led her to that line of study. Ironically enough, it was in the early 90's that Brown and her then-husband took in a male boarder so that she...
In a small New York town, a deranged young man holds over one hundred school children hostage. and he blames the school for what he's about to do.After a tense, thirty-six-hour police standoff, the gymnasium suddenly explodes into flames....
Два лучших агента Наполеон Соло и Илья Курякин из организации UNCLE (United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) сражаются с возмутителями спокойствия, в...
A betrayed wife and dedicated mother suddenly forced to raise her six-month-old daughter alone, Melanie Vargas is also an ambitious, hard-working professional who has had to bite and claw for recognition in the federal prosecutor’s office. Then,...
When Sarah McKinley is finally able to buy and restore the historic Florida mansion that she has always loved, she dismisses the horror stories of past residents vanishing and a long-dead housekeeper who practiced black magic. Then, in the midst of...
The dead refuse to stay dead. The Reaper is here to put them down. As winter sets in and America's survivors struggle to rebuild a semblance of civilization, terrifying new enemies are gathering-both in the lawless badlands and within the walls of...