Colter Shaw is a career “reward-seeker,” making his living traveling the country and locating missing persons, collecting reward money in return. So it is not unusual when a wealthy entrepreneur hires him to track down his wife, an enigmatic...
She grew up in foster homes, dreaming of having a real family. Then Sylvie Hayes met her twin sister. It should have been a joyous reunion, but when Diana disappears from her own wedding, and the cops believe Diana herself is...
The murders had been savage and apparently motiveless. Carbon copies of killings committed years earlier and by men currently incarcerated in one of Britain's top maximum security prisons. How could this be?
Detective Inspector...
From all over Europe, even from behind the Iron Curtain, gypsies make an annual pilgrimage to the shrine of their patron saint in Provence. But at this year's gathering, people are mysteriously dying. Intrepid sleuths Cecile Dubois and Neil Bowman...
The third thrilling archaeological adventure with Alicia Myles from No.1 bestselling Amazon author, David Leadbeater.
Full of intense action and rich pirate history, Alicia Myles and the Gold Team follow four-hundred-year-old clues in their...
Mack Bolan, the one-man war machine, bets his life against the Mafia forces of glittering Las Vegas... and theres no business like show business once The Executioner gets in the...
Mack Bolan, the one-man war machine, bets his life against the Mafia forces of glittering Las Vegas... and theres no business like show business once The Executioner gets in the...
In the sequel to FRIGATE, his frighteningly authentic novel of modern naval warfare, John Wingate describes a massive sea confrontation in the open ferocity of the Atlantic. Now on board the aging aircraft-carrier Furious...
The North Korean navy has captured a US intelligence ship in international waters, and has begun to execute the crew, one by one. The US response is a megaforce of the battle group led by supercarrier "Thomas Jefferson". A Soviet ship is in the...