При составлении «Путеводителя по Швейцарии» мы имели в виду следующие четыре образца: Бедекер-«La Suisse et les pays limitroihes»; Берлепш «Guide en Suisse»;...
Elke Heidenreichs neues Buch, diese kurzen Geschichten zu weiten Reisen sind „seitenweise Reiseglück“, so Katja Kraft im Merkur: „Ach Elke, sie schafft`s doch immer wieder uns zu kriegen“!
Elke Heidenreich ist in ihrem Leben sehr viel...
Destination Switzerland
What giddy romance and glamour Zermatt, St Moritz, Davos and other glitterati-encrusted names evoke: from the intoxicated chink of multimillionaires in Verbier hobnobbing over Champagne cocktails poured in ice-carved flutes...
Mention Switzerland and people typically think of the Alps, Heidi, cheese, yodeling, chocolate and St. Bernards. Yet, this relatively small country 15,941 square miles (41,290 square km) of land and inland water offers much more than...
Our Writers
Ryan Ver Berkmoes
Coordinating Author Ryan first visited Switzerland in 1984 as part of a year-long backpacking trip through Europe. He designated the American Express office in Lucerne as his mail drop and thus happily and regularly...