Known for his brilliantly dark fictional visions, László Krasznahorkai is one of the most respected European writers of his generation and the winner of the 2015 Man Booker International Prize. Here, he brings us on a journey through China at the...
Earlyborn is about the main values of life, such as family, kindness, humility, self- perfection and hope for the best. In addition to that, the book is about the role of social networks in our life...
Ein Kapitän von fünfzehn Jahren ist ein weniger bekannter Roman Jules Vernes. Hauptperson ist der 15jährige Waise Dick Sand, der durch tragische Umstände zum Kapitän der Pilgrim wird. Für Humor sorgt Vetter Benedict,...
Eleven charming, delicate sketches of diplomatic life in service of the crown.
After decades spent representing Britain around the globe, Antrobus has earned a shirtful of medals and the right to pass afternoons in his London club, musing over...
This book, although it can be read as a separate story, is the third of the trilogy of which Marie and Child of Storm are the first two parts. It narrates, through the mouth of Allan Quatermain, the consummation of the vengeance of the wizard...
“I felt something alive moving on my left leg … when bending my Eyes downwards as much as I could. I perceived it to be a human Creature not six inches high.”
Shipwrecked and cast adrift, Lemuel Gulliver wakes to find himself on Lilliput,...
An extraordinarily beautiful Indian princess and a white Englishman fall in love but suffer deeply because of their feelings. Set mostly in Central America in the 1870s, this is one of Haggard’s more interesting romantic adventure novels in which...
In the words of Jack London, "I have written some novels of adventure in my time, but never, in all of the many of them, have I perpetrated a totality of action equal to what is contained in 'Hearts of...