This is the first novel in a trilogy that follows the fortunes of Arn Magnusson. Born in 1150 to an aristocratic family, Arn is taught the best of spiritual and worldly learning. When he grows up, he joins the Knights...
In 1805, with news of Admiral Nelson's death fresh on his mind, Captain Lewrie's HMS Reliant joins up in the voyage that will culminate in the Battle of Cape Town, in which the British wrested control of South Africa from the Dutch. In the wake...
The year 1807 starts out badly for Captain Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy. His frigate HMS Reliant has a new captain, he’s living at his father’s estate at Anglesgreen, among spiteful neighbors and family, and he’s recovering from a wound suffered in...
In Kings and Emperors, the twenty-first book in Dewey Lambdin's beloved Alan Lewrie series, Captain Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy, is still in Gibraltar, his schemes for raids along the coast of southern Spain shot to a halt. He is reduced to commanding...
Four people on a backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevada find more adventure than they ever imagined. Each of them is drawn to the mountains for reasons as diverse as their own lives. Gwen Foster, a counselor for at-risk youth, is struggling with...
Eleven charming, delicate sketches of diplomatic life in service of the crown.
After decades spent representing Britain around the globe, Antrobus has earned a shirtful of medals and the right to pass afternoons in his London club, musing over...
Although Durrell spent much of his life beside the Mediterranean, he wrote relatively little about Italy; it was always somewhere that he was passing through on the way to somewhere else. Sicilian Carousel is his only piece of extended writing on...
A pair of lectures from one of the twentieth century’s most mesmerizing speakers.
Lawrence Durrell was in his early twenties when, tired of the stiffness of London life, he took his family to live in Corfu. Interwar Greece, whose hard beds and...
Durrell’s remarkable memoir of his spiritual journey with famed Taoist philosopher Jolan Chang.
Beginning with their first meeting over lunch at Lawrence Durrell’s Provencal home, Durrell and Jolan Chang — renowned Taoist philosopher and...