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Hell at the Breech

Hell at the Breech

Автор: Franklin Tom
Язык: русский
Год: 2003
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In 1897, an aspiring politician is mysteriously murdered in the rural area of Alabama known as Mitcham Beat. His outraged friends -- —mostly poor cotton farmers -- form a secret society, Hell-at-the-Breech, to punish the townspeople they...
Widwood boys

Widwood boys

Год: 1995
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From the raw clay of historical fact, James Carlos Blake has sculpted a powerful novel of both a man and an America at war with themselves. Here is the brutally honest story of free-spirit William Anderson, who is pulled into a savage conflict of...
Dead Man's Map

Dead Man's Map

Год: 2007
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Josh Strickland spends the summer working with his cousins in East Texas. At a mysterious garage sale, Josh buys a cowboy hat that has something hidden inside a map. Could the map lead him to a dead mans...