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На Диком Западе. Том 3

На Диком Западе. Том 3

Язык: русский
Год: 1995
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В третий том включены произведения популярного немецкого беллетриста О. Гофмана, повествующие об освоении обширных земель бассейна...
Longarm and the Lusty Lady

Longarm and the Lusty Lady

Серия: Longarm Giant
Язык: английский
Год: 1996
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If dirty deeds could be nailed together and painted, then Laredo, Texas, would be a ten-seat outhouse. Apparantly a customs inspector has been letting Mexican cattle cross the border without a proper quarantine. Now Longarm's going undercover to...
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Вестерны, Исторические приключения

Разыскивается живым или мертвым

Язык: русский
Год: 2024
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Песчаная буря перенесла меня и моего друга на сто пятьдесят лет назад. В 1875 год. В Техас, на самую границу с Мексикой. Теперь мой друг...
Steel Trails of Vengeance

Steel Trails of Vengeance

Автор: Tassin Ray
Язык: английский
Год: 1961
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The whole town turned out to watch Jeff Danner bring in his prisoners, the two Dooley Brothers, and in all that crowd there wasn't a man who didn't believe that Jeff had killed the other three Dooleys for the $30,000 they had robbed from the...


Автор: Nye Nelson
Год: 1962
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Out of a Union prisoner-of-war camp, Rafe had worked his way West and found his family again, all of them working one of the best horse ranches in the Arizona territory. But he soon found out there was a rotten deal afoot to swindle his folks out...