A richly imagined novel of the Old West, as spare and vivid as a high plains sunset, from one of the world's most talented performers. It was a long time ago, now, and there were many gunfights to follow, but I remember as well as I...
Treścią książki o głębokich walorach poznawczych i wychowawczych są przygody Tomka Wilmowskiego, który, przy pomocy przyjaciół, na pograniczu USA i Meksyku usiłuje uwolnić Australijkę — Sally — więzioną przez plemię indiańskie...
The hell called Yuma Prison can destroy the soul of any man. And it's worse for those whose damning crime is the color of their skin. The law says Chiricahua Apache Raymond San Carlos and black-as-night former soldier Harold Jackson are...