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Longarm and the Counterfeit Corpse

Longarm and the Counterfeit Corpse

Серия: Longarm
Язык: английский
Год: 1996
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Nathan Cox is the king of funny money--but the government isn't laughing. They're sending their best to find him--Longarm. The trouble is that there are plenty of folks who want Cox even worse than Longarm does. And with lead flying in every...
Братья Sisters

Братья Sisters

Язык: русский
Год: 2013

Таинственный и могущественный Командор приговорил несчастного Варма к смерти. Неприятная миссия выпадает на долю братьев Систерс —...
Longarm and the Train Robbers

Longarm and the Train Robbers

Серия: Longarm
Язык: английский
Год: 1994
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A deadly explosion set by train robbers blows Longarm and his fellow passengers clear off the tracks. When Longarm sets out to find the culprits, his investigation leads to the death of a lowlife with friends in high places. Now Longarm is being...
Бледнолицый шаман

Бледнолицый шаман

Язык: русский
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Затем Южный Ветер наполнил патронташ. ... — Так разбуди, срочно вызови его сюда! — закричал шаман. — Легко сказать, но вряд ли тебе...
Longarm and the Wendigo

Longarm and the Wendigo

Серия: Longarm
Язык: английский
Год: 1979
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THE BLACKFOOT CALLED IT MAGIC. LONGARM CALLED IT MURDER... Wendigo, the Great Devil, had climbed down from the sky to stalk the Montana reservation, leaving a trail of broken bodies in the prairie sun. Or so the Indians...
A Lone Star Christmas

A Lone Star Christmas

Серия: Christmas #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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Smoke Jensen, Matt Jensen, Falcon And Duff Maccallister—Together For The First Time They just wanted to get home for Christmas. . .but fate had other plans. It's December 1890. A Texas rancher named Big Jim Conyers has a deal with...