Longarm tracks a killer arsonist responsible for the destruction of a Denver rooming house, the murder of its inhabitants, and the theft of a fortune in treasury notes into Santee country, where hostile Indians are primed to protect their...
This third book in William W. Johnstone's classic The First Mountain Man series finds Preacher leading a wagon train through the remote Rocky Mountain high country when he is attacked by Vic Bedell and his gang of cutthroats. But Preacher's...
It's a thousand dollars to join the Last Man Club and twenty thousand to whoever lives the longest. But members of the secret military society are dying off at the hands of a cold-blooded killer. When Longarm rides out to warn the next target, he...
Walking some sorry varmint up the gallows steps to the wrong end of a rope wasn’t Marshal Long’s ideal way to start the day. But the Great Costello wasn’t just any outlaw. As a train robber he was a washout—but as an escape artist he was a...
A mad dog killer is shootin’ up denver! He’s a half-pint imitation of Black Jack Slade, the desperado of dime novel fame. Thinkin’ he’s the legendary bad man, the armchair outlaw has savagely gunned down two army officers in his sister’s...
Notorious Belle Star is holed up with a nest of desperadoes. And it looks like some crooked marshals are in cahoots with her. For a price, the law won’t touch the robbers. ‘Till longarm rides into the fugitive camp, posing as one of them....
Every gunman in wyoming knew of Marshal Long and his many talents. And so did every woman. 'Longarm' had a new mission. Ride to Crooked Lance. Pick up Cotton Younger, killer cousin of Jesse James, from the town jail. Bring him to...
The settlers of Fury take in a mysterious stranger with deadly secrets—and deadlier enemies…
His name is Jonas Lynch. A California gunman with a blood-soaked past, he arrives in Fury, Arizona, looking for redemption. Unfortunately, Lynch’s...
Higbee Colorado, population 147, is booming. A visionary named Garrison Wade is building a railroad to connect Higbee to the Santa Fe. But a family named Clinton has its own selfish reasons for making sure these...
Purgatory, Arizona, is the last place you'll ever cross the law. Because in this town, the law is the personal fiefdom of an evil man--as Matt Jensen discovered on his first day in town, when an unavoidable gunfight and a dead deputy landed him...