The "New York Times" bestselling Leonard brings seven unforgettable western tales of noble stands, cowardly compromises, and battles of will more devastating than a blazing...
Longarm is hunting for Cy Berman, a mail thief wanted for murdering U.S. marshals. Longarm must track Berman through the frozen gold towns of the Wisconsin territory. But waiting for Longarm is none other than Maddy Williams and she has a special...
Mountain man Nate King would never leave anyone in need, but he has his hands full this time trying to protect both a freight train and a colony of Shakers from a band of Pawnees on a personal...
The Santé Fe Trail stretches from the Mississippi River to New Mexico Territory through the West's most savage lands. That's why a wealthy trader hires the mountain man called Preacher to keep his trade goods safe - and hopefully deliver a...