A western written in 1945 and set during the same time. The story revolves around the owners of two ranches, one of whom has carried her father's grudge against the son of the other for years until a group of rustlers preying upon her beef and...
Dan Sweet was a tall man, a strong man, and most important, a man who had taken his own measure and lived by it. Now he had promised Ben Gaultt to drive 4000 head of beef across the blazing Arizona desert - Indian country. Sweet was not the man to...
His partner is the desperado Tuco, who turns vengeance into a sadistic contest of endurance. His adversary is the ruthless Sentenza, a killer who long ago lost count of the lives he has ended. His goal is a $200,000 treasure in stolen Army gold...
No one breaks out of the brutal convict labor camp at Five Shadows -- but Corey Bowen is ready to die trying. They framed him to put him in there, and beat him bloody and nearly dead after his last escape attempt. He'll have help this time --...
Sequel to The War Chief
From inside cover of Ballantine first edition:
Shoz-Dijiji, the Black Bear... a white man who believed himself to be a full blooded Apache, and who had dedicated his life to a feud against the treacherous "white eyes"...
The first in a series of collections of the author's westerns, written early in his spectacularly successful career, contains "Bounty Hunters," "Forty Lashes Less One," and "Gunsights," featuring a Bonny-and-Clyde pair of gunslingers. Original....
Arizona Territory... the country of red deserts, rocks, high buttes and mountains--a harsh land but still a land, the Apaches had chosen for their own.
The land made the men, and the Indiands were trained from infancy to match their strength,...