Jack Drumm, a dandified Englishman making The Grand Tour, finds himself stranded with his valet in the middle of the Arizona desert. His struggle to survive against the savage elements and raiding Apaches becomes a struggle to conquer, to prove...
This story, the first of four stories in the Paul Torridon saga, appeared as “Coward of the Clan” in Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine in the issue dated May 19, 1928. It was published under Faust’s George Henry Morland byline. It...
Smoke Jensen never wanted to kill, but fate had other plans, and the Mountain Man has left plenty of blood, tears and fury in his wake. Angus MacDougal, the father of one of Smoke's victims, wants revenge. Riding up to Big Rock, Colorado,...
His partner is the desperado Tuco, who turns vengeance into a sadistic contest of endurance. His adversary is the ruthless Sentenza, a killer who long ago lost count of the lives he has ended. His goal is a $200,000 treasure in stolen Army gold...