Higbee Colorado, population 147, is booming. A visionary named Garrison Wade is building a railroad to connect Higbee to the Santa Fe. But a family named Clinton has its own selfish reasons for making sure these...
In To the Far Blue Mountains, Louis L’Amour weaves the unforgettable tale of a man who, after returning to his homeland, discovers that finding his way back to America may be impossible.
Barnabas Sackett was leaving England to make his...
Dan Sweet was a tall man, a strong man, and most important, a man who had taken his own measure and lived by it. Now he had promised Ben Gaultt to drive 4000 head of beef across the blazing Arizona desert - Indian country. Sweet was not the man to...
Owen Burke just wanted a little extra money. He had no idea he’d also be getting a heap of trouble when he signed on to guide a horse drive from Mexico to California. First he was bushwhacked by a bunch of banditos who stole his mount. Worse,...
Destiny, restlessness, and greed moved the white man west, into lands occupied for centuries by a proud and noble people: Arapahoe, Navajo, Apache, Sioux. The bitter misunderstandings and brutal clashes of cultures that resulted ultimately shaped...
Trail Of The Mountain Man: The citizens of No-Name, Colorado, are delighted when gold is discovered near their homes, until their tiny town becomes overrun by every cutthroat in the West, and only mountain man Smoke Jensen and his band of aging...
In the Wild West, a desperate gang of outlaws targets a gold shipment
During the Indian Wars, Boag and Wilstach rode with the Tenth Cavalry, the most feared outfit ever to gallop over the American plains. But now that things are relatively...
The "Plainsman" series continues with this powerful story of the U.S. Cavalry following the shocking massacre at Little Big Horn. After Custer's defeat, the Army vowed revenge and declared total war on the Cheyenne and Sioux. As witnessed by...
Everyone tried to put them under — Indians, French prison guards, bounty hunters — and the whole Mexican army!
A narrow escape from a Louisiana penal colony and a hazardous trek south and west made fast friends of young Tennessean Son...