James Rudolph Youngblood, aka Jimmy the Kid, is an enforcer, a "ghost rider" for the Maceo brothers, Rosario and Sam, rulers of "the Free State of Galveston," who are prospering through illicit pleasures in the midst of the Great Depression....
Having lost a wife to violence and a son to retribution, onetime Texas sheriff Daniel Shaye has brought what remains of his shattered family -- two grown boys fiercely devoted to their father and justice -- to Vengeance Creek, Arizona. In a...
There's a new family moving into the Kings' remote valley, but while building their cabin, they discover they're not the only ones to want to call the place home—a nest of viscious rattlers won't give up their claim without a...
Can a woman run a ranch on her own? Emily Nixon is determined to prove that she can, even if it means resorting to violence. She arranges for a man to get rid of a troublesome neighbor by blowing up his house. Emily has taken a liking to the...
“Iron Dust,” an eight-part serial, was Frederick Faust’s fourth contribution to Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine. It appeared under his George Owen Baxter byline, beginning in the issue for January 15, 1921, and is in book form as...
Bob Zane, the hero of most of these stories, is a seasoned prospector who not only knows the western deserts, but also knows the criminal mind and the laws that govern survival in this beautiful, dangerous land where the search for gold never ends....
The wild and free world of the mountain man is quickly fading into the past. For Titus Bass, leading his family north to winter with the Crow people, the journey is a sad one. He must save an old friend from death and rescue his daughter Magpie...