The "New York Times" bestselling Leonard brings seven unforgettable western tales of noble stands, cowardly compromises, and battles of will more devastating than a blazing...
A train is barreling through a blizzard across the desolate Nevada territory of hostile Paiute Indians toward Fort Humboldt in 1873. Nevada's Governor, the fort commander's daughter, and a US marshal escorting an outlaw are onboard. No one is...
In Buffalo Palace, the young Titus Bass sights, and then sets out into, the vast Rocky Mountain country, where he has his initial experiences with trapping beaver, surviving the freezing winter, fighting fierce Indians and even fiercer fellow...
Becoming involved with the beautiful Hannah Diver, Longarm learns that Hannah and her nine sisters are repeatedly married off to outlaw land owners, who promptly die off shortly after the...
MORE THAN 13 million copies in print
The trailsman protects a passel of prairie pioneers
Skye Fargo runs across a wagon train being “guarded” by some low-down men in the employ of one Victor Gore—a man who makes his money at others'...
Matt Coleman always figured at this point in his life, he d be settled down with a family. Since his ex split for the big city, though, no way will he give anyone else the chance to drop-kick his heart. Physical pleasure? Hell, yeah, he ll take...
Sally has traveled to the silver-mining town of Goth, Colorado to open a restaurant with a friend. That's where she crosses paths with five bank robbers in a hurry to strike it rich. With the local sheriff lying dead in a pool of blood, Sally...
Crack in the Sky continues the development of the young Titus Bass as he gradually learns the lore of the mountain man. From a raucous rendezvous of trappers to a searing fight with Comanche, from a frigid winter's chill to the angry heat of a...
James Rudolph Youngblood, aka Jimmy the Kid, is an enforcer, a "ghost rider" for the Maceo brothers, Rosario and Sam, rulers of "the Free State of Galveston," who are prospering through illicit pleasures in the midst of the Great Depression....