Romāna «Arizonas Lauva» galvenais varonis Ričs Emss, kas sākumā ir vienkāršs kovbojs, bet, nelaimīgu apstākļu spiests, atstājis savu dzimteni un gadu gaitā kļuvis par tā saukto...
This second book in William W. Johnstone classic The First Mountain Man series finds Preacher leading a wagon train of settlers into the Rockies - and through dangerous territory. Trapped on the Continental Divide by a blinding snowstorm, Preacher...
Outlaws have taken Frank Morgan's son, and with all the good gunfighting men either dead or dying, Morgan knows he'll be riding after the kidnappers alone. But just as he gets close to the men he's hunting, he comes upon a ghost town nestled into...
In 1897, an aspiring politician is mysteriously murdered in the rural area of Alabama known as Mitcham Beat. His outraged friends -- —mostly poor cotton farmers -- form a secret society, Hell-at-the-Breech, to punish the townspeople they...
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Reizēm gadās, ka cilvēks izlasa grāmatu, atmiņa saglabā savos apcirkņos pa satura drumslai, bet autora vārds...
Notorious Belle Star is holed up with a nest of desperadoes. And it looks like some crooked marshals are in cahoots with her. For a price, the law won’t touch the robbers. ‘Till longarm rides into the fugitive camp, posing as one of them....
Teaming up with an ornery Texas Ranger to guard high-level border talks between the United States and Mexico, Longarm is discouraged when the partnership begins with a brawl over the buxom Anna...
It's a thousand dollars to join the Last Man Club and twenty thousand to whoever lives the longest. But members of the secret military society are dying off at the hands of a cold-blooded killer. When Longarm rides out to warn the next target, he...